Market Mega Trend Spotting

Get a pulse on the latest mega trends in your industry and understand the influence of these trends on the future direction of your organisation


Riding the wave of changes

Key to continuous business growth and sustainability is understanding the changes in external trends and building resilience through organisational adaptation and agility. 

Operating in today’s business environment not only requires an experimentation mindset but the ability to spot mega trends and adapt to the changes happening.  This is especially challenging when changes are volatile and technology effects are deceptive and will grow exponentially when it hits a pivotal point reducing the ability of organisations to respond if not determined earlier


A framework for scanning

Cross industry market analysis

In today's disruptive environment, impact to a business not only comes from the macro environment but also from outside an organisations particular industry. We will assist in identify these threats and opportunities

Technology scanning

Technology has become one of the biggest disruptor today. Understand the exponential growth of technology and how it will disrupt or support your organisation is important

Portfolio Analysis

To ensure continual growth you need to clearly understand your growth assets and plan investment on products and services that create value. We will assist you in making the right decision on each strategic innovation

Business Model Opportunities Review

Understand edge opportunities that may inherent be developed based on disruption in your environment. Look at viable edge initiatives for future proofing your existing business

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